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Visita – How to communicate with an entire industry

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Hannah Sjöström

Client Director

hannah.sjostrom@spoon.se +4673 033 68 09

Our assignment

Visita is the industry and employers’ organization for the Swedish hospitality/tourist industry. Spoon’s assignment is to pursue Visita’s issues and spread industry news. We operate as a news desk and publish daily on the news website besoksliv.se and produce the member magazine Besöksliv. In these channels, we help Visita convey knowledge and spread insights and inspiration to companies in the hospitality/tourist industry.

Overall goal

Using Besöksliv’s channels, Visita can build a closer relationship with its members and be the driving force for the industry’s real enthusiasts. The content Spoon creates should also help boost awareness of Visita, attract more members, and increasingly make Visita heard. Finally, the goal is to generate advertising revenue from the website and magazine.

Client review

“Spoon’s editorial expertise and flair for creating stories from our industry are crucial to our collaboration. With a smooth dialogue, great understanding of our challenges, and constant optimization, Spoon manages to renew and keep our channels updated.”

– Carl Johan Swanson, Director of Communications at Visita

What we do for the client

  • Web

    Taking overall responsibility for the website besoksliv.se, including production of digital content and daily online publishing.

  • Print

    Producing the member magazine Besöksliv, six issues per year.

  • Newsletter

    Producing digital newsletters, two mailings per week.

  • Social media

    Content distribution in social media.

  • The magazine Besöksliv is published in six issues a year.
  • Daily online publishing at Besöksliv.se.
  • Patrik, editor at Besöksliv.
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